Dear Members,
I am writing to you again as I had a very good meeting with Jeff Futrell getting some more information on this event (poster attached) and why it is IMPORTANT.
First - PACT Act Eligibility - Toxic Exposure Screening (GVL/MHC Team). So what, you ask?
The PACT Act is one year old. If you fit into any of the presumptive categories due to your service, you are encouraged to sign-up before 9 August 2023. Show up to the PACT Act Fest and the VA can conduct a Toxic Exposure Screening (TES) and determine your eligibility in less than 5 minutes. If you are eligible, your payments will be retroactive to 10 August 2022 when the PACT Act was signed.
Vietnam Vets, this is not just for post 9/11 service in the Southwest Asia AOR, if you were in Vietnam during Operation Ranch Hand and exposed to any of the Rainbow Herbicides (Orange, White, Blue, etc.) then you qualify. Show up and get screened.
Second, there will be tables set up to assist with Women's Health, Prosthetics and Sensory Aids Service, Care in the Community, Caregiver Support Programs, and MyHealthVet. Based on the NDAA and current budget (VA received $342B) there have been significant changes to several of these programs.
Don't leave your Post or Chapter members sitting in the dark, please distribute.
Warm Regards, Mark
Mark T. Sandvigen | Chairman Veterans Council of Craven County cravencountyveteranscouncil@gmail.com 703.434.0834